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С РОЖДЕСТВОМ! (With the Birth!)
...Of Christ that is, his last name, first being Jesus or in Russian Iesus Hristos (pronounced Eesus). Lots to unpack here so sit tight.
As we already know the English name Jesus is based on Iesus/Iesous in Greek and Latin that in turn is derived from Egyptian name Issa (son of Isis) made popular by the first born son of marriage between Cleopatra VII, who was seen as goddess Isis, and Julius Caesar, with his Roman name Caesarion (little Caesar), who was already famous at a time of his birth as the heir of two largest ancient empires. So naturally his appearance has created a lot of excitement with news about his birth spreading far and wide bringing the attention of few wise men no doubt. Speaking of which...
To commemorate the birth of his son Issa Caesarion, 23 June 47 BCE, Julius Caesar decided to update old Roman lunisolar calendar to what became known as Julian calendar with a month July of 31 days named after him.
"The Julian calendar was proposed in 46 BC by (and takes its name from) Julius Caesar, as a reform of the earlier Roman calendar, which was largely a lunisolar one. It took effect on 1 January 45 BC, by his edict. Caesar's calendar became the predominant calendar in the Roman Empire and subsequently most of the Western world for more than 1,600 years, until 1582 when Pope Gregory XIII promulgated a revised calendar." Wikipedia
So this explains why the Orthodox celebration of the birth of Christ is two weeks after the 25th of December, which is when the sun starts to rise again in its apogee after three days of rest at the lowest point over the horizon that follows the Winter Solstice in the Northern circle of the world. The ceremonial birth of the sun -- the light of the world. Thus this time was traditionally considered as the birth of all solar gods; Sol Invictus, Mithra, Dionysus, Krishna, Attis, and Christ.
There is hay, animals of all sorts, Joseph and Mary, the three wise men who followed the bright star in the East to get here in time for the special occasion. Obviously this is the language of symbolism and metaphors. Christ is the sun in exoteric terms, world without, and higher Self Consciousness in esoteric meaning. The sun traverses around the zodiac wheel where most signs represented by the beasts and animals, the celestial manger, aside only the Virgin and Aquarius the water barrier who is depicted as a young male, Mary and Joseph.
The 12 signs of zodiac likewise identified with the physical human body; the two feet is Pisces, heel is hell, the crotch is Scorpio, the heart is Leo, Taurus back, neck, and shoulders, Aries is the head as first zodiac sign. The zodiac body of mankind is the original concept of Israel/Yasheral.
The Christ Consciousness is in dormant state at the tailbone, then as the cerebrospinal fluid is refined into kristos oil it starts to rise when the moon transits through one's sun sign three days each month depositing a seed of it at the solar plexus aka the Bethlehem, beth (house) lehem (bread)/bakery, the esoteric birth of the Christ Consciousness within. This kristos oil starts to rise eventually reaching the brain after crossing the Vagus nerve, resting for three days in the cave of Brahma before being multiplied 1,000 fold and absorbed by the three wise men; the hypothalamus, pineal, and pituitary glands who then deliver the gifts of dopamine, melatonin, and serotonin aka the symbolic gifts of gold (kingship), frankincense (priesthood), and myrrh (death & resurrection).
Beth Amet (House of Truth in Hebrew), or else is derived from Greek baptism of wisdom, is the symbol of unified dichotomies by the light of wisdom; male with female, inside with out, lower self awareness of animal survival instincts with higher Consciousness of spiritual Self, into a state of Peace, as above so is below, indicated by the hands gesture.
The Bethlehem as the House of Bread is an ancient referenceto the Virgo constellation (earth & fire elementary attributes, earth that of the sign itself and fire as first out of three signs of the golden age; Virgo, Leo, and Cancer). The Christ is born to the Virgin Mary (means beloved in Egyptian), aka Virgo, and the opposite sign of Virgo is Aries (fire & earth) which is the first sign of the zodiac from where the sokar journey begins, Pisces being last twelfth sign.
"Under the tropical zodiac, the sun transits Capricorn from around December 22 to January 19. Capricorn is one of the three earth signs, alongside Virgo and Taurus, a negative sign, and one of the four cardinal signs. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn and its opposite sign is Cancer."
Mary and Joseph (Yosef in Hebrew means "he will add" or "God will increase") are the right and left hemispheres of the brain respectively representing unity of divine feminine and masculine. The bright star in the East is the right, feminine side of the brain that controls 90% of awareness and higher Consciousness seeing the big picture. Whereas the masculine left side only controls 10% linked to cerebellum, Bull/Baal, of animal instincts of survival and procreation, the archetypal Yosef/Joseph who knows the grammar and rules of language and who will add the feminine right side linked to cerebrum, Ram/head, of higher cognitive awareness and functions. Hence they are the metaphorical parents of Christ Consciousness where the opposites come together in holy matrimony to form unity between the left and right, above and below, within and without, micro and macro, male and female ...created in the image of first Mother & Father.
Ancient Romans would gather underground in catacombs in small groups to celebrate with bread and wine the dead loved ones and invite their spirits to join. This custom grew in popularity has expanded to above the ground and was adopted by the early Christians as the communion with the Christ.
"In ancient Rome, a refrigerium (lit. 'refreshment') was a commemorative meal for the dead, consumed in a graveyard.
These meals were held on the day of burial, then again on the ninth day after the funeral, and annually thereafter. Early Christians continued the refrigerium ritual, by taking food to gravesites and catacombs in honor of Christian martyrs, as well as relatives."
"The Catholic Mass originated from the Eucharist, a meal shared by early Christians that was combined with bread and wine to represent the presence of Jesus. The term "Mass" is derived from the concluding words of the Roman Rite Mass in Latin: Ite, missa est ('Go, it is the dismissal', officially translated as 'Go forth, the Mass is ended'). The Late Latin word missa substantively corresponds to the classical Latin word missio. In antiquity, missa simply meant "dismissal". In Christian usage, however, it gradually took on a deeper meaning. The word "dismissal" has come to imply a mission."
And on the mission they sure have gone ever since, mission impossible as it may but nonetheless persistently and enthusiastically.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!!
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Happy end of the tenth month, yey, we made it this far in the year, now onto the eleventh month of gateways | |. Happy New Year!, for those who celebrate it today. Speaking of today, there is only now, being either in peace or alarmed, awake or asleep, busy or at rest, etc. the perception of time is relative to the volume of change experienced, the more there is change the slower the time, the less there is change the faster it is.
Thus the chronological time is fixed to the sun for measuring hours in a day, the moon is used to count number of weeks in a month and months in a year, the stars are used to count the years and ages. The ancient self begotten Greek Chronos god of time with his consort Rhea goddess of space who was later merged with god of harvests Kronos, Roman Saturn. However, Chronos has a little known brother Kiros, his other inner side who is god of perfect and/or appropriate timing, fir example when to release an arrow from the bow or to take care of personal business.
According to the Torah, biblical months are numerical with first month in Spring in the Northern circle, from 9 April 2024, later called Nissan by the Babylonian Jews, so called ecclesiastical new year. Originally named Abib in the old Hebrew calendar, means “Green Ears (of Grain)” and ran from mid-March to mid-April, it refers to the season when barley begins to ripen. After the Jews' return from Babylon, it was called Nisan.
"Observe the month of Abib, and keep the passover unto the LORD thy God: for in the month of Abib the LORD thy God brought thee forth out of Egypt by night." Deuteronomy 16:1
"This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you." Exodus 12:2
"And the flax and the barley was smitten: for the barley was in the ear, and the flax was bolled." Exodus 9:31
The ecclesiastical Biblical year thus begins with the first month Aviv/Abiv at first New Moon after the barley ripeness in the promised land. However according to the Talmudic Rabbinical tradition they celebrate Rosh Hashanah, New Year/Head of the Year, in October of the seventh month of the ecclesiastical year or first month of the civil year, around the time of the Babylonian harvest festival, Kronos being the god of harvests.
"Rosh Hashanah 5785 was at sundown on the eve of Tishrei 1 (Oct. 2, 2024) and ended after nightfall on Tishrei 2 (Oct. 4, 2024)." "Rosh Hashanah (hebr. השנה ראש), the New Year, Yom Teru'ah (hebr. תְּרוּעָה יוֹם, day of blowing [the horn]) is the first day of the Hebrew calendar."
Now the reason the Jews are blowing the ram's horns, ram is first sign of the zodiac associated with the head of the zodiac body, also symbol of supreme diety Amun of Thebes who became chief diety of Egypt during 12th dynasty with Amenemhat I, Amun is first, coming to power, who was I believe a historical figure that inspired stories of Abraham. Ab Ra Kham, Father Amun (hidden) Ra (revealed) Khm (black, fertile soil of the Nile delta) its truth and mysteries...
So, the main reason for blowing the ram horns is actually in imitation of the coronation ritual as practiced by ancient Egyptians in celebration of king Akhenaten coming to power who was following the solar cult of his mother and has turned again state diety Amun by enforcing the worship of the solar disk Aten whose will resides within the king alone. Amun being readily accessible by all didn't fit into Akhenaten's ideas of kingship as the sole bridge between worlds of divine and that of mankind. Also it coincided with the start of the age of Aries.
As for the days of the week, weak, they are not of biblical origin albeit their order is older than any calendar simply because the lunar calendar was and is still used to count 13 months of 28 days within 4 weeks of 7 days each, 364 plus one day out of time as New Year, plus one day every fourth year to synchronize it with the solar calendar.
The biblical days of creation are seven. First six had an evening and a morning to separate them while the seventh day was mentioned started but not ended. While the light itself is created on the first day, as are the heavens and the earth, however the sun, moon, and stars are mentioned on the fourth day. Since it is the sun that brings forth the day we can say that 1st Sunday was the 4th day of creation (doc), 2nd Sunday is 5th, which is Monday following the procession of the weekdays, the 3rd Sunday is 6th doc Tuesday, the 4th Sunday is 7th doc Wednesday, when Creator has rested. Thus 3rd doc falls on Saturday, 2nd doc on Friday, and the 1st day of creation is on Thursday.
We can make a distinction between a reoccurring string of seven days, Elohim, that are called week, and the string of seven days of creation, strong days, that do no repeat but are resting on the seventh day which is eternal not cyclical in nature. Therefore the ecclesiastical year is still one, month one, strong one, seventh doc, fourth Sunday. This makes Thursday, Friday, and Saturday as days before the creation of the sun, moon, and stars, only during the existence of the original light created on the first day along with the luminaries Elohim aka planets, that couldn't have included sun and moon yet and therefore could have included Uranus and Neptune before being replaced or joined by the sun and moon on day four.
The biblical date is thus, 01, 01, 07. The last day can be seen having seven sub divisions repeating in cycles of weekdays, with dates according to the Gregorian calendar, today being Wednesday (7th doc) 01 January (11th / 1st month) 2025 CE. Now what year it is besides year one is depending what is used as a mark for year one. There was nothing special that happened 2025 years ago.
The historical Jesus aka Issa Caesarion was reportedly born 23 June 47 BC, hence when Julius Caesar has introduced his new Julian calendar which is two weeks apart from later updated Gregorian calendar. Julius Caesar has introduced his new calendar with July having maximum 31 days to commemorate the birth of his son Issa, little Caesar, as well converting Roman republic into an empire. Not to be outdone by his predecessor, emperor Augustus Octavian has added August following July with also maximum of 31 days that were taken from February.
To make matters even more complicated, the years from 614 CE to 911 CE were added to the historical timeline during the so called "dark ages", while Emmanuel Velikovsky in his book Ages in Chaos has proposed that five centuries were added to the BC timeline starting ftom 750 BC and going back in time shifting many historical events by 500 years. Then a millennium at some point is also speculated to have been added to hide the thousand years of world peace and prosperity during so called second coming of Christ, a reference to so called Tartarian empire which supposedly preceded that of and cannibalized by the Western colonial empires. Another story for another day.
Since by now most people have accepted the random year of 01 CE since nothing in particular we may as well continue refere to it for the sake of convenience and clarity. So, here we go again changing digits making a mark in the passage of eternal now in celebration of the past, present, and future. May all of mankind be well, happy, and prosperous in love, truth, and peace. Forever and ever. Amen <3
Happy New Year!
Happy New Now!
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