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Issa means son (sa) of Isis (Is), a Greek name for Egyptian/Khemetic goddess Auset, was Egyptian name of son of Cleopatra VII and Julius Caesar whose Roman name is Caesarion, little Caesar. While his mother was seen as living Isis he was by default seen as Horus, a solar diety identified with the resurrection of Ausar/Osiris.
After the assassination of his father JC, who was proclaimed to be a god by the Roman Senate, the adopted son of Caesar Augustus Octavian has eventually waged war against Mark Anthony, Caesar's general who married Cleopatra after his death and fathered the twins, boy and girl, and another son, but however had to commit suicide after loosing, while Cleopatra has sent off young Issa away to India, as Buddhist monks have diligently recorded, before taking her own life as the story goes, albeit the truth of it maybe different.
After hanging out in India learning Buddhism, Issa went to Cornwall England with his close friends where he has learned from Druids. Being the last living Pharaoh of Egypt, recognized as co ruler with his mom during Donations of Alexandria, he was initiated into ancient Egyptian mysteries including the Osirian cult where he was now seen as living Osiris, god of life, death, and resurrection, by his followers.
His popularity has exploded upon his return to Alexandria where he has married his half sister Selene Cleopatra who has inspired later character of Mary Magdalene while her twin brother became James brother of Jesus/Issa.
He was sharing with people the ancient wisdom of one God, law of one love, Golden Rule, kingdom of Heavens and Christ Consciousness within, and salvation through repentance not animal or human sacrifice backed by good Works not faith alone, and all that jazz.
He then left Alexandria and traveled to Jerusalem where he was received with honours by people and have joined Essenes, anti Talmudic animal rights activists who were fighting the Rabbinical religious zealots involved in mass animal slaughter at a tune of 250k animals a year, with so much blood pouring out of the Temple they had to dig a ditch around it.
The Nazarene sect was a branch off the Essenes who were a commune of ultra dedicated individuals, with complicated process of initiation. A potential member had to do good work in the community for some years before being invited. Then they had to be vegetarian, donate all their belongings to community, use no money, do work, fast and pray a lot. At the end of the trial was a test to go out into the desert with nothing and survive there for fourty days.
According to the biblical narrative that's what Issa Caesarion had to go through in order to become one of the Nazarenes. They were known locally as healers and virtuous spiritual people whose assistance was often required in royal courts throughout the region and their reputation was par excellence.
One day, during a holiday sacrifice frenzy when up to 20k animals were killed a day, the Nazarenes lead by Issa under the cover of night have penetrated the Temple walls into the outer court where the animal cages were, opening them all releasing the animals. That has caused much commotion and confusion.
Later that day Issa came to the Temple where he has made a speach preaching the Nazarene dogma of salvation through repentance without the need of innocent blood sacrifice because God is One, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent who loves you and just wants your love shown through repentance not murder of innocent animals. Then he overthrew some mone changing tables and scolded the money changers out of the Temple who then run in horror to Pharisees & Seduces Talmudic Rabbinical nobility.
People have started to call Issa Yeshua, means savior in Hebrew, for he was not only saving the animals from pointless slaughter but also human soul from false path of corrupted religious dogma leading to hell.
The corrupt priests were making lots of money from making guilt where there was none by promoting notions of original sin, 613 laws on top of the Ten Commandments transgression of which required animal sacrifice that could be conveniently purchased at the Temple. It was a zoo from Hell.
Naturally Caesarion knew better than that, being an initiated High Priest King himself, he knew the truth and spiritual wisdom of ages. He has confronted the evil Rabbinical regime of apostate heretics with his Nazarene army of followers and it got them notoriety throughout the ancient world, since a word got out that a Nazarene leader Yeshua the savior is none other than Issa Caesarion, the little Caesar whom so many people have adored and were praying for his safety after the tragic death of his parents which has shook the ancient world to its foundations.
Later the Flavian dynasty under emperor Vespasian and his son Titus used their extended family friend Arrious Colparnius Piso aka Flavius Josephus to write the story of Nazarenes down, which became Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, and turned the early Christianity into a Roman Imperial religion.
The Rome has sent Paul to at first kill the Nazarenes & Essenes to then hijack the original Christian message of love and forgiveness through repentance to bring it back to requiring sacrifice of blood and salvation through faith alone without the need to do any goid Works, just say your hail Marries and you are as innocent as a baby.
Then the Rome has formed Vatican to take care of Nazarene James of Jerusalem Church and other apostles who were vehemently opposing Paul's ridiculous rhetoric pretending to be that of Issa and Nazarene Christians. So, they killed them all.
The rest is history.
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