Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Ring of Power - commentary (YouTube)

Great work, very well researched, and makes hell of a lot of sense. It's only missing the demonic possessions, the aliens, such as shape-shifting raptilians... which brings a point; the first dynasty of egypt, if can recall correctly, was started by the scorpion king and the dragon queen. at some point there was a power grab by a competing family and the original dragons and scorpions were ousted and forced to flee. they did not forget this and after securing military support from the asiatic tribes, the dragons and scorpions have returned as the six Hyksos kings and installed their rule once again, hence the dragon/scorpion symbolism, btw the Goddess Isis is friends with the scorpions.

In any case, it's a bit too late to try and get some dumb fat ass into action against the upcoming anticrist, his legions, and the appocalipse. what the hell are they going to do?!, bore satan to death? buy WHAT gold with WHAT? Rothschilds already control most of the world's gold and precious metals. The bankers print money out of thin air, no local currency will help as long as it is exchangeable or based on the value of the bank notes. the barter may work but its a bit too late for it as well, plus most people have nothing to barter with. And as far as the growing of your own food, as though you have the land to do it on, and even then, how much can you actually grow? most cities have food for three days after that full cheos and cannibaalism.

I have lived in Moscow, Rome, Paris, London, NYC, Toronto, Montreal, Frankford, Marburg, Manitoulin Island, the country, its sucks everywhere, especially in the country where there are no bloody pizza trees, nor spaghetti orchards. life is hard in the rural and days are long full of labour and you can't get sick there either. Did I mention the earthquakes and weather crisis all over the planet? Aliens arriving and wild animals? How about junkies in need of their fix? Most of the religious clout warship consciously, subconsciously, or unconsciously the devil all their life ignoring the etherial body of their own, the God of hosts with its centre everywhere and the circumference nowhere has been given away, stolen, sold, got rid off - in exchange for peace of mind and no need to deal with bothersome decision making. What God? I never knew you. Hail Satan - your only master now.

Your soul has been probably bought and sold many times over by countless demons (deamon means intelligent being), since many have given authority to some company, some friends, or some government, or some religious institution, or some teachers, or some doctors of death cult... WHAT CENTRE EVERYWHERE?? Since when!? There is only one centre now and it is The New World ODOR! that we all have hellped to bring about. Congratulations. Do you think that I don't know human nature and desires? I have been here witnessing human nature - it is not worth to fight for in many cases and the good souls pray to die and rest in peace - because this world is beyond than what any soul can bare. thus we are now surrounded by demonic humanoid aliens with no soul, no compassion, no empathy, no human feelings whatsoever.

I have lived on the streets and in huge mentions, I have met with the Queen, with the Rothschilds, and with the working poor, I have been here for a long time and it is not a surprise to me that this got to become as was many prophecies foretold. I know. You are the high priest in your own right, so build your temple (body/mind/spirit/soul) to receive the holy spirit of the God that you have created for yourselves. Since you already know everything there is no need to listen anymore because many can't even learn or hear nor understand whats going on without being manipulated into a slaves/victims or a raging control psychopaths.

If the countries and people could get along they would have long ago, the truth is the one world government and satanic rule was written into the human destiny from day one after the loss of its innocence. Thus, very few will make a full circle only to be back at the garden of eden sometime in the near future completely clueless of the dangers lurking out about and around, a sort of a ground hog day except it loops into millenniums. The God was and is, all this time, within your centre, where ever that centre is for you. No need to blame the Satana, he is only doing God's dirty jobs. As for prince William being an anticrist, perhaps as an actor in a play, however the spirits of this scale can possess many not only one, hence the name - Legions.

Alexander Braun

Idiosyntactix Strategiic Arts & Sciences Alliance

The Last High Priest Of The Universe

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